Pregnancy: First manifestations Before a Positive Result

For couples trying to conceive the waiting time in between ovulation and expected date of the next period can be emotionally draining especially when the pressure of wanting to conceive is palpable.             A woman’s body is very dynamic and no two women are exactly the same. But generally there are typical signs that indicates that the next period might not be coming any time soon.
 Morning sickness, 
Morning affliction is the "trademark" of generally pregnancy. This normally starts as ahead of schedule as 10 days after origination in a few ladies and for some ladies this could hold on all through the primary trimester. Not all ladies encounter morning affliction amid pregnancy.
Mellow cerebral pains can now and again be an indication that your period won't not come at any point in the near future. Visit yet gentle migraines amid early pregnancy is caused by expanded blood dissemination because of changes in hormonal levels.
Any woman that is alert to symptoms cannot miss this, the general feeling of tiredness is a major clue that points to pregnancy. The rise in the production of progesterone following conception is responsible for the increased level of fatigue occasioned by increased blood production, lower blood pressure and sugar levels.
Swollen or Tender Breast
This is one of the most confusing signs of early pregnancy because most women typically have this symptom in the lead up to their menstrual flow. The difference here is mostly   the degree. The massive changes in hormonal profile that takes place after conception can make breasts sore, tender or tingly, increasing the feeling of fullness and heaviness.

If your favorite food or perfume suddenly makes you nauseous, chances are that you might be carrying a child. Nausea is one of the commonest sign of an early pregnancy, this heightened sense of smell is as a result of elevated levels of estrogen produced by the body during these period.

Slight bleeding or cramping
Not All women spot after conception but the few that do can start preparing for the nine months journey ahead of others. Spotting or vaginal bleeding occurs after the implantation of the fertilized egg on to the lining of the uterus. The bleeding that sometimes accompany this process is usually lighter, and last for fewer days. Some women sometimes misrepresent this sign as early onset of menstruation or miscarriage.
Elevated progesterone levels during early pregnancy can slow the pace of digestion . This results in food staying longer than usual in the digestive system leading to constipation.

Mood Swings
Something other than your temperament might be responsible for your frequent mood swings and weeping. This is because the surge of hormones during early pregnancy could have a significant impact on emotional stability.

Dizziness and Elevated Basal Temperature
Low blood sugar and constant dilation of blood vessels can lead to lower blood pressure and dizziness. Basal body temperature is the temperature recorded the moment you first wake up in the morning. A steady increase for more than two weeks may be an indication of pregnancy.

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