STD Named Mycoplasma Genitalium Kills Fast Like Aids

Mycoplasma genitalium: was a little known microorganism until a recent study conducted by British Scientists uncovered its links to some sexual conditions. The bacteria which lives on the ciliated epithelial cells of the urinary and genital tracts in humans has been identified as co factor in the transmission of the Human Immuno Deficiency virus HIV the causative agent of AIDS. 
Signs and Symptoms of Mycoplasma genitalium Infection
  1. Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) with a mucopurulent discharge.

  1. Painful or burning sensation while urinating sometimes accompanied with watery discharge.

  1. Inflammation of the cervix

  1. Bleeding during or after sex

  1. Pelvic inflammatory Disease (|PID)

  1. Endometritis and Salpingitis

Implications of Mycoplasma genitalium infection

  1. It has a negative effect on fertility

  1. It aggravates the symptoms of HIV and other similar conditions

  1. Mycoplasma genitalium infection has been linked with the development of prostate cancers, ovarian cancers and lymphomas.

  1. It significantly increases the risk of pre-term birth and spontaneous abortion 

Treatment of Mycoplasma Genitalium like other sexually transmitted diseases is by the administration of antibiotics after a confirmation of the disease by a qualified clinician. Self-treatment for sexually transmitted diseases such as Mycoplasma Genitalium should be avoided because the practice have been shown to lead to the development of resistant strains.

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