Certainties About Prostate Cancer Every Man Should Know Today

Facts about prostate cancer every man should know

With increasing knowledge about the catastrophic consequences of cancers, surprisingly less is been said about prostate cancer; a silent killer of men. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancers in men after lung cancer and it is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer in men. This is one of the few cancers that are sex-specific, i.e it affects only one sex (in this case men). Women don’t have a prostate, so cannot develop prostate cancer.

The prostate
It is a gland about the size of a walnut and lies below the urinary bladder. It’s function is to secrete an alkaline fluid, milky in appearance. The fluid constitutes roughly 30% of the volume of the semen along with sperm and seminal fluid. The average weight of the prostate in adult males is 11grams.

Risk factors for prostate cancer
Wondering who is at risk of prostate cancer. Here are some important prostate risk factors.
  • Increasing age: Men older than 75 years account for two-thirds of prostate cancer deaths
  • Family history: Individuals with first degree relatives (father, son or brother) who have prostate cancer are at higher risk of developing the disease.
  • Race: More common in blacks. African Americans have the highest rate in the world
  • Genetics: Although prostate cancer cannot be inherited some men inherit genes that predispose them to prostate cancer
  • Nutritional factors: Some nutrients have protective effects against prostate cancer and include soy protein, lycopene, vitamin E and selenium. On The other hand, increased fat intake raises the risk.
  • In early stages (confined to the prostate), there area usually no symptoms. Greater than 60% of prostate cancer patients are asymptomatic
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Sudden urge to urinate
  • Pain in the lower back or thighs
  • Swelling in the legs

Diagnosing prostate cancer
  • Blood test : Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is a very useful test as prostate cancer causes an increase in this antigen. Increased PSA does not necessarily mean cancer as there are other factors that cause increased PSA. It is pertinent for increased levels to be investigated by a specialist.
  • Digital rectal examination (DRE): This involves a doctor examining the prostate by inserting a gloved and lubricated finger into the rectum. This reveals distortion in the anatomy of the gland. Normal DRE findings do not rule prostate cancer though.
  • Biopsy: This involves the use of a special needle to harvest prostate tissue which is subjected to histology in order to view the cells.
  • Other modalities include radionuclear bone scan, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

  • Hormone therapy: May involve androgen deprivation achieved by removal of the testes (orchidectomy) or by medical castration. Recently, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists have become useful
  • External beam radiotherapy
  • Brachytherapy: Involves implantation of radioactive seeds in the prostate
  • Surgery: Involve the removal of the gland and some surrounding tissues (radical prostatectomy)
  • Chemotherapy

What to do
Early location is critical: Nearly 100% of men determined to have prostate malignancy in it's beginning times will be alive five years after conclusion. Likewise, prostate disease that is bound to the prostate has high cure rates yet once it starts to spread, visualization ends up plainly poor 

The American Cancer Society prescribes that men who have achieved 50 years should start screening for the ailment. Moreover, men who have a first degree relative with prostate malignancy before the age of 65 should start screening at 40 years 

Way of life changes: Some variables could lessen your odds of creating prostate tumor. 

– Nutrition: Eat an eating routine that is rich in organic products, vegetables and entire grains, while low in red meat and fats 

– Quit smoking: A connection has been built up amongst smoking and prostate growth 

– Exercise consistently and keep up a solid weight.

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